From 0 to 12 years, with awesome read-aloud books for kindergarten and preschool – these are the 9 most-loved kids’ books in October on Nooksy

Monstersaurs, bumblebees and geriatric karate! These are the most loved, most shared and highest-rated kids books in October from the Nooksy children’s books collection. 

9 Highest-Rated Kids Books in October

5 Most Read Kids Books in October

Philippa and the Homeless Bumblebee

David Greaves, Danielle Callaghan

"There was once a happy bumblebee, who lived beneath a tree..."One day the happy bumblebee has her world turned upside down when her beloved meadow home is destroyed. But to her delight a brave child comes to her rescue. Philippa and the homeless bumblebee embark on an exciting adventure together.Where will their journey take them?This delightful, beautifully illustrated tale gives children a unique introduction to the importance of bees and the natural world.

Under the Great Plum Tree

Sufiya Ahmed, Reza Dalvand

Deep in the jungle, an unlikely friendship blooms between the golden-hearted monkey Miss Bandari and the old crocodile Mr. Magarmach. But what will happen when King Crocodile comes along to test their friendship? The story of the monkey and the crocodile comes from the Panchatantra, an ancient Indian collection of animal fables. Versions of this tale of courage and forgiveness can be found all around the world.

My Shadow is Pink

Scott Stuart

My Shadow is Pink is a beautifully written rhyming story that touches on the subjects of gender identity, self acceptance, equality and diversity.Inspired by the author’s own little boy, ‘Shadow’s’ main character likes princesses, fairies and things ‘not for boys’... he soon learns (through the support of his dad) that everyone has a shadow that they sometimes feel they need to hide.This is an important book for a new generation of children (and adults alike) which exemplifies the concepts of unconditional love, respect and positive parenting.

My Shadow is Pink

My Gran does Karate

Anna Demchenko, Michel Deverall

My Gran does Karate. She knows how to block and chop and how to kick and spin.Don’t let her wrinkles and old skinny bones fool you - my Gran is REALLY strong!This legendary lady is about to HII-YAH her way into your heart and show you what grannies are really made of.But who will be in the firing line when Gran chops and blocks her way all over town?

Ten Tears and One Embrace

Marta Sanmamed, Jon Brokenbrow, Mar Azabal

Peter and his friends want to share their great discovery with you. We don’t only cry when we’re sad! This enthusiastic team of young scientists sets up a laboratory in a garage to study tears, and all the different things they can be used for. They are about to become explorers, in a sea of emotions.

4 Highest-Rated Kids Books in October

I Can Be Kind

Amanda Appiarius, Heather Lester

"Changing the world isn't easy, but it's easy to start with you."In I Can Be Kind, Alice learns she can make this BIG world a BETTER world through small acts of kindness and helping others.

I Can Be Kind

Mary had a Monstersaur

Peter Bath, Mike Dumbleton

Mary had a dinosaur called Monstersaurus Rex.Not the cuddly little lamb that everyone expects!What happens when everyone in town meets Mary’s huge new friend? Will he fit in? Or was he born to stand out?

My Mum is there

Ag Jatkowska, Martin Thomas

It’s not easy being small. Nothing is simple. Not speaking, sleeping or walking. Not counting, reading or swimming. Not even hopping, skipping, or jumping! But with mum close by there’s no need to be scared, and anything is possible.

My Mum is there


Lynne Rickards, Margaret Chamberlain

"What's a penguin to think when he wakes up PINK?" Patrick wakes up one day to find he's turned pink overnight. But boys can't be pink! Feeling teased and left out, poor Patrick runs away in search of pink playmates. He crosses the ocean where he finds some pink flamingos - but will he fit in with them any better? Patrick soon learns that friendship is never black and white, but that real friends will accept you just as you are.


Trends in Children’s Books: Top Categories of Kids Books in October

Most families in October read books about…

1. Taking a Stand

A collection of the best and most inspiring children’s books on the topic of standing up for what’s right. Discover the entire collection of books about taking a stand.

ALSO ON NOOKSY: Have you seen our selection of books about kids who stand up for themselves?

2. Living your Values

Sometimes, it’s about what is right, not what is easy. And we can all do with a little bit of help and encouragement to stand up for what’s right. Discover the entire collection of books about living your values.

Check out Nooksy’s books about standing up for what's right for kids.

3. Showing Empathy

Realising that other people are just like me is such an important life skill! Knowing how my thoughts and actions impact others, and how theirs impact me is such a big part of growing up. Discover the entire collection in books about showing empathy.

Also see the best free kids book in November, the awesome selection of kids books in December, as well as and the most-read kids books in January and kids books this week.

Read more from our hand-picked selection of books about changing the world.

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Don’t forget that you get 5 free children’s books, for your whole family, for life! It’s easy: simply click through to the Nooksy App, pick a book, enter your details (so we can make it available for you) and start reading! 

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